Teacher of the Year - 2016

"Teacher of the Year - 2016"

The contest “Teacher of the year” is a great opportunity to learn a lot of new and useful things, make new friends and share one’s experience with them. The first stage of the contest was held on the 15 January. 18 teachers were talking about their creative ideas in teaching English.


 Only 5 teachers were chosen to take part in the next stage. I was one of those teachers. On the 24 January we came to participate in the contest and present our projects on the topic “The English way to Success”.


25 January was the day of lessons. 5 lessons were held by the teachers. The topic was "A sound mind in a sound body". It was really exciting and a little embarassing because members of the jury and other teachers played the role of our pupils. So, it was really unusual.

Lesson plan "A sound mind in a sound body"

8 коментарів:

  1. You are realy the best! I wish you to become the winner of the contest!

  2. Мої найкращі вітання !
    "Вчитель, який передає дитині лише знання - це ремісник, той, хто виховує особистість і розвиває творчий потенціал дитини - справжній митець своєї справи". Саме ці слова я адресую Вам і хочу побажати не зупинятися на досягнутому, а впевненно досягати вершин педагогічної майстерності.Good luck!

  3. Дякую за гарні слова та побажання. Для мене важливо відчувати підтримку. Ваші поради завжди допомагають у роботі.

  4. Dear Maria, I hope You can win the main contest. I know that You are a very creative and talented person. Our district will be proud of Your achievements. I wish You all the best!

  5. Вітаю з перемогою у конкурсі. Бажаю успіхів на педагогічній ниві, кар"єрного росту, нових звершешь. Всього накращого!!!

  6. Thank you. It is very important to feel your support, dear colleagues. I am so pleased with your congratulations.

  7. Your courage,dedication and hard work have put you on a new high! Congratulations on reaching your goal! Keep it up!

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