вівторок, 29 грудня 2020 р.
середа, 16 грудня 2020 р.
Інформація для випускників 2020-2021
До уваги випускників 2020-2021 та батьків!
Ознайомитися з нормативними документами, особливостями проведення ДПА/ЗНО, календарем основної сесії ЗНО у 2021 році можна на сайті гімназії, перейшовши за покликанням:
неділя, 6 грудня 2020 р.
Вітаємо з перемогою!
Вітаємо Василюк Оленку із перемогою в ІІ етапі Міжнародного конкурсу з української мови ім. Петра Яцика!
Financial Literacy
In November and December our students underwent a course on Financial Literacy led by a Peace Corps volunteer Bill Olsen. They had four sessions on different topics. The students got useful information about how to differentiate between needs and wants, what SMART goals are, how to balance their expenses and income. The children became more aware of what a budget is and how the government spends our tax money. Our students had an opportunity to practise and improve their language skills, they will definitely use the knowledge they got in their future life. The teachers could see how their students can work outside the classroom communicating with a native speaker and answering challenging question.
Becoming a Facilitator
As a Change Agent and future facilitator I have been enrolled in a various courses on the British Council online platform The Future English Online Teachers Community. Besides, I have been undergoing a moderated course "Teaching English in Basic Schools for Facilitators". Every week we (English teachers from Ukraine) have a live Zoom meetings with our moderator Alejandra Gomez where we reflect on some important issues, such as students' motivation, lesson planning, lesson management, assessment for learning, etc.
Change Agent
At last, I have found time to share my most memorable experiences of the recent months. So, the first unforgettable event was the start of my cooperation with the British Council. In October, 2020, I was lucky to be a trainee of the British Council trainers Olena Molodek and Kateryna Khudyk who were really motivating and encouraging while sharing their experience with English teachers from all over Ukraine. So, I have become a Change Agent, and now I am ready to be a facilitator of some wonderful and experienced English teachers from Ternopil Region.