пʼятниця, 25 березня 2016 р.

Cambridge Day-2016

Cambridge Day 2016

    The Cambridge Day is a methodological conference regularly held in Ukraine by the representatives of the Cambridge University Press in our country. This year I had a pleasure to attend it in Kyiv on 16 March. It was a great experience, 420 enthusiastic people visited the conference and listened to wonderful spokespeople: Matthew Siegal and Lana Sushko. I am also grateful to Daryna Sizhuk and Anna Shovkaliuk who are doing a great job organizing such events. 

The participants of the conference could look through educational materials of the Cambridge University Press

Фінал XV Кубка Тернопільської області з українських інтелектуальних ігор пам’яті Героя АТО Ореста Квача

ГЕРОЇ НЕ ВМИРАЮТЬ! Під таким гаслом у Заліщицькій
гімназії відбувся фіналXV Кубка Тернопільської області з українських інтелектуальних ігор пам’яті Героя АТО Ореста Квача. 7-8 березня 2016 року у навчальному закладі змагалися в інтелектуальних двобоях понад 60 школярів області, які стали переможцями відбіркових турнірів.

Команда учнів 4-В класу виборола 3 місце у бізнес-грі, 

яка була по-справжньому яскравою і феєричною.

Під час урочистого закриття кожен учасник отримав з рук міського голови А. Квач іменний сертифікат учасника змагань, який розробив заступник директора гімназії з виховної роботи Рибак Я.Я.

Second Annual Foreign Languages Teachers Forum

Second Annual Foreign Languages Teachers Forum - 2016

        14-15 March I had a wonderful opportunity to attend the Second Annual Foreign Languages Teachers Forum in Kyiv which was held by the Alecom Education abroad. More than one hundred teachers from all over Ukraine visited this event and took part in seminars held by the representaitives of the most famous schools from the UK, Ireland, Germany, Canada, the USA. The seminars were really interesting and I am very grateful to the Alecom Education and Ministry of Education of Ukraine for the invitation to participate in the Forum. 

неділя, 13 березня 2016 р.

I am going to Kyiv to attend the International Forum of Foreign languages teachers. I'm looking forward to meeting interesting people and getting new knowledge and useful experience.

четвер, 3 березня 2016 р.

Interesting Meetings

Our pupils are always eager to meet interesting people. Last autumn one of our school-leavers came to the gimnasia to meet with our teachers and pupils. Taras Gagalyuk left gimnasia in 1999 and since then he's had a successful career as a scientist. He's got a Doctor's Degree in Economics and works in Institute in Halle (Germany). Taras shared his experience with our pupils of the 10th and 11th forms. He was talking about his studying in Ukraine and in Germany, his work in Kyiv and in the World Bank in Washington. Children had some questions to ask the guest. There are definitely future leaders among our pupils and it is really useful and essential to organise meetings with people who are self-motivated and succesful.

Our headteacher Oleksandra Voychyshyn, Taras Gagalyuk and leaders of the Pupils' Parliament Marta Dzhumaha and Iryna Tiasko are discussing some points of international work of Zalishchyky State Gimnasia.