середа, 24 лютого 2016 р.

Safer Internet Day

9 February - Safer Internet Day

We took part in the events dedicated to this day. Pupils created presentations and posters on how to use the Internet safely, how to avoid cyberbullying. We discussed some important issues concerning social networking and using information technologies at classes. 

We support No Hate Movement!

неділя, 21 лютого 2016 р.


Ми пам'ятаємо!



We love English!


Pupils of our gimnasia created posters dedicated to the English Year in Ukraine. Children say that English is no longer a school subject only but it's the way to communicate. They learn loads of interesting and useful information, spend time surfing the Net and doing exciting activities using foreign languages. 


четвер, 18 лютого 2016 р.


Puzzle is an interesting and exciting game for English-lovers. Our pupils regularly take part in this all-Ukrainian event and always receive diplomas and certificates as well as other prices and presents. 

понеділок, 15 лютого 2016 р.

Foreign Languages Week

"Those who know nothing of foreign

languages, know nothing of their

own." - 

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

08-13 February - pupils of our gimnasia were taking 

part in the events within the foreign languages week 

program. Children played games, created different

posters dedicated to the Foreign Languages Year, 

participated in various quiz shows, solved a great 

number of puzzles and crosswords. Pupils of the

forms 4-V and 5-A took part in the Euroclub meeting.

They were talking about European Union, its history, 

symbols and traditons, its countries and peoples. It

was exciting to create presentations on the Safer

Internet Day (February 9) and prepare Valentine's

Cards for our friends and teachers.